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Why Choose AIG for Product Recall?

Product recalls present real threats to retailers and manufacturers:  loss of sales, customer confidence, hard-won retail shelf space, and supply contracts. Skillful handling of a recall can minimize damage demonstrating reliability and professionalism to wholesale and retail connections.

AIG Product Recall Solutions

Designed for manufacturers, retailers & distributors of topical or ingestible products: food, drinks, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals & tobacco.

Covers losses arising from:

Policy covers

  • Accidental or unintentional contamination, impairment or mislabeling resulting from any stage from production to sale that could result in harm to users within 120 days of contact
  • Actual, alleged or threatened, intentional tampering with the product to make it harmful
  • Threats to tamper with a product in order to extort money

Who is it for?

  • Recall costs
  • Business interruption (lost gross profit)
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Consultancy costs
  • Adverse publicity (optional)
  • Food 
  • Drink 
  • Tobacco
  • Cosmetics and 
  • Pharmaceutical companies

Designed for manufacturers, retailers and distributors of finished consumer products

Covers losses arising from:

Who is it for?

  • Accidental omission, introduction or substitution of components or substances
  • Errors occurring in any stage from design, through to labelling and storage
  • Intentional damage that could cause the product the product to be harmful

Policy covers

  • Manufacturers of a wide range of finished goods.

The policy covers costs to inspect, withdraw, or destroy the product incurred within 12 months after the recall, including:

  • Communication (radio, TV, Internet, ads…)
  • Shipping from purchaser, distributor or user
  • Overtime and additional personnel costs
  • Storage costs and cost of disposal
  • Redistribution
  • Independent Security, PR or Recall Consultants