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Why Choose AIG for Management Liability?

Management Liability Insurance can reduce your cost and protect the assets of your company or organization.

AIG Management Liability Facultative Reinsurance Solutions

Directors, Officers and Corporate Liability Insurance for Initial Public Offerings

Designed for corporations making Initial Public Offerings (IPO).

Directors, Officers and Corporate Liability Insurance for Initial Public Offerings

Employee Benefit Plan Fiduciary Liability InsuranceCoverage for directors, officers, sponsor organizations, plans, and employees charged with fiduciary or administrative responsibility for employee benefit plans.

Not-for Profit Companies

Covers directors, officers, the organization, the employees, committee members, volunteers, department heads, and faculty members of not-for-profit entities. Includes EPL – Employment Practices Liability. Also provides coverage for discrimination and sexual harassment brought by non-employees such as students, patients, suppliers, and customers. Covers allegations of copyright infringement, trademark, anti-trust claims, and plagiarism. Includes reimbursement of 100% of the retention in the event that a court of law finds that the insured is not liable.

Directors, Officers & Private Company Liability Insurance with Employment Practices & Securities Liability Coverage

Covers directors, officers, the company, its employees, independent contractors, and leased employees. In addition to covering the directors and officers for wrongful acts in the exercise of their duties, this coverage is included for employment related violations (sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.).

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Coverage responds to claims ranging from wrongful termination and discrimination to sexual harassment, retaliation, "whistle-blowing", and employment related libel, slander or invasion of privacy. Coverage extends to discrimination and harassment claims brought by customers, clients and other third parties.