- AIG FAC Desk provides Facultative reinsurance solutions for Oil & Petrochemical, Power Generation, Mining, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical clients in Latin America and Caribbean.
- Broad, flexible appetite; open to risks on a shared, layered, or excess of loss basis.
- Focus on accounts where risk quality and client's commitment to loss mitigation support deploying reinsurance capacity.
In our wide and varied portfolio, some sectors present exceptional growth opportunities.
Onshore Energy risk capacity up to $500m.
Construction risk capacity up to $175m (PML).
Risk Appetite
Fossil-fuel power plants, hydroelectric
Renewable energy – solar and wind
Open pit hard/soft rock and processing
Underground hard/soft rock
Oil & Petrochemicals
Refining, Petrochemicals, LNG
Midstream - pipelines and terminals
Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
Basic/commodity chemicals
Specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals
CAR/EAR projects with TCV over USD 200m
Power Generation, Petrochemical, Mining, Oil & Gas, Renewables
Who is it for?
- Large multinationals through to single sites.
- Clients with:
- A high level of interest in loss prevention quality management and protection schemes.
- An appetite for long term trading partnerships.
Bespoke Solutions
- One stop shop for energy industry insurance with market leading capacity e.g. $500 m Property Energy, $100 m Casualty and $100 m Political Violence.
- Cover for the latest technologies and emerging risks e.g. BESS and Hydrogen.